With all the ups and downs in life, most people seek refuge and solace in different places and things; like alcohol, tobacco, and even money. In the past, I sought my solace in relationships and my big plans for the future. However, relationships, even with family, often fail and fall short of expectations. The same is with whatever future plans you have because a single accident can crush them.
I was born and raised in a strict Catholic family and I followed most of the Catholic commands to the core, even the ones I did not understand. Despite this strong Catholic background, I never really had a close and personal relationship with God, nor did I understand what such a relationship entailed. Through Discovering Christ, I came to understand that a personal relationship with Christ is the reason for my existence. I also came to understand that through a personal relationship with Christ, all of my burdens in life have been made light.
The Bible says in Matthew 11:28,
“Come unto me all who labor and are burdened and I will give you rest.”
This verse has been engraved in my heart and has become my place of refuge in times of trouble. Discovering Christ was my safe place and it made me look forward to Thursdays because for a few hours I got to leave every other thing behind and focus on enjoying the love of God in my life.
Through Discovering Christ, I have come to make my relationship with Christ the most important relationship in my life and I continue to pray for his grace to help me remain steadfast. Through Discovering Christ, I met so many lovely people from whom I learned so much. And hopefully I impacted their lives in meaningful ways.
Discovering Christ changed my life in ways I never imagined it could. I most sincerely hope and pray that the life of every person who attended this course would be touched and changed by Christ, so that we can all go out into the world as His disciples and be perfect examples of God’s overflowing fountain of love.